Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Treatment of RA


There is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, but there are medications that can help lessen the effect of the disease There are five main different types of medications:
    1. analgesic drugs- relieve pain but do not necessarily reduce inflammation
      • Example: acetaminophen
    2. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)-reduce inflammation and relieve pain
      • Example: aspirin and ibuprofen
    3. corticosteroids-slow joint damage done by inflammation (usually given in low doses)
    4. disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs)- can be used with NSAIDs to slow joint damage
      • Example: Methotrextrate (most common drug used to treat severe rheumatoid arthritis)
    5. Biologic DMARDs-reduces the symptoms of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis through an injection
      • Example: Humira
*Important to note that all of these drugs can have serious side effects
Other treatments include: physical therapy and a proper nutritious diet. In addition if rheumatoid arthritis severely damages joints it may lead to surgery. Either by removing the lining of the joint called, synovectomy or by having a total joint replacement.

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